json iterator

Fastest JSON parser ever

Migrate from gson

Jsoniter support gson annotation, migrating from gson to jsoniter should be easy.

public static class TestObject {
    @Expose(deserialize = false)
    public String field1;

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
TestObject obj = gson.fromJson("{\"field1\":\"hello\"}", TestObject.class);

will be

GsonCompatibilityMode config = new GsonCompatibilityMode.Builder()
TestObject obj = JsonIterator.deserialize(config, "{\"field1\":\"hello\"}", TestObject.class);

serialization also works

public static class TestObject {
    public String field1 = "hello";

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
String output = gson.toJson(new TestObject());
assertEquals("{\"Field1\":\"hello\"}", output);

will be

GsonCompatibilityMode config = new GsonCompatibilityMode.Builder()
String output = JsonStream.serialize(config, new TestObject());
assertEquals("{\"Field1\":\"hello\"}", output);
